Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Day 1 & 2

So yesterday was my first day on the diet and I have to admit that I craved something sweet all day. I wanted to eat ice cream, I wanted to eat some warm home baked cookies, but I didn't. I realized that when I make plans to leave my apt, the first thought in my mind is where am I going to get a snack. I have stopped getting food while I am out by reading the "Eat This, Not That" book. It really opens your eyes to the food that is out there and the calories that are in them. A lot of things I thought weren't so bad REALLY are.

I ended up going to the gym twice yesterday. In the morning I met with a trainer and he wrote down a plan for me. I found out that having a membership to Planet Fitness means that you can have unlimited trainer sessions, sometimes in a group, but that's still great. I signed up for an appt for today (Tuesday). I also went to the gym with my husband too. We worked out on a new machine that I struggled with, but was able to do 10 mins on. I have found my challenge for the gym!!!!!

I didn't make it to the appt today (Tuesday) because I went to bed really late with my little one. I need to learn that I just need to go ahead and get up and go to the gym. No more excuses!!! I have to do this.

Something I learned today is that you have to give in a little to your cravings or they will consume you. Today I was thinking about something sweet, so instead of torturing myself anymore, I decided to buy myself a treat. I bought some Skinny Cow ice cream sandwiches. They have 160 calories but I LOVE ICE CREAM and sometimes I deserve a treat.

Tomorrow I will start again with going to the gym!!!! I have to be strong. Right now my lil one doesn't appear to be going to sleep and it's early Wed. at 12:24am. I hope I can get up tomorrow and make it to the gym. If not I will be going tomorrow night.

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