Friday, February 4, 2011

A New Beginning

So... I was watching "Heavy" last night on OnDemand and something sparked in me. I was watching the story about Ashley and Sharon. I saw myself in both of these women. I related to Ashley because we are about the same age and have the same kind of relationships with foods. When she said that sometimes she eats things and then afterwards thinks "why did I just eat that" I could hear myself saying the same thing. I was waiting to see what her weight was because I just knew she was heavier than me. Her starting weight was 296lbs. I was shocked because she was about 70lbs lighter than me. Sharon reminded me of myself because I eat out of emotions and I feed others to make them happy and so they will like me. Sharon weighed a pound less than me at 366lbs. She appeared to be much smaller than me but she was a pound under me. I was shocked. I told my self that I have to get this under control.

I am determined to get down to 250lbs by August. I am going to start to eat right and exercise. I know it will be hard especially with the strains of my family, but I have to. If not for me, for my kids. I want to see them grow up and I want to be an active member in their lives. I will be tracking my weight with weight tracker. I have taken all my measurements and I'm ready to start. I know that there will be some hard times and some good times, but I have to make it through them both!!!!


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